World of Warcraft Classic - Levelguides
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Levelguide für Stufe 50 bis 60

WoW Shadowlands Levelguide

WoW Shadowlands

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Patch 8.2 Klassenänderungen
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Patch 8.2: Anpassungen an Rachsucht-Dämonenjägern, Frost-Todesrittern und Wächter-Druiden

Das nächste Contentupdate Patch 8.2: Azsharas Aufstieg steht in den Startlöchern. Der Patch ist auf den öffentlichen Testservern angekommen und ihr könnt einige der Features bereits ausprobieren. Wie Blizzard im offiziellen Forum bekanntgab, werden für das kommende Battle for Azeroth Update Klassenanpassungen durchgeführt. Einige sollen in Kürze ebenfalls auf den PTR-Servern zum Testen zur Verfügung stehen. Es handelt sich dabei um Änderungen am Rachsucht-Dämonenjäger, Frost-Todesrittern und Wächter-Druiden.

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Official Post)

We have a few more class changes coming to the Rise of Azshara PTR. We made the initial changes 68 and the following will be active on the PTR soon.


  • Metamorphosis
    • Health bonus 50% (from 30%)
    • Now causes Shear to generate 20 additional Pain and 1 additional Lesser Soul Fragment (was: generates 7 Pain per second).
      • Developers’ Note: This significantly increases the self-healing potential of Metamorphosis, as well as the health buffer, making it a more reliable major cooldown against all types of damage.


  • Frenzied Regeneration (Rank 3) is learned at level 85:
    • Frenzied Regeneration spends up to 30 additional Rage to immediately heal you for up to 18% additional health.
      • Note: This spell is affected by Guardian of Elune, but not affected by mastery.

Frost Death Knight

  • Runic Empowerment has a 2.0% chance to proc per Runic Power spent (from 1.5%)
  • Frost Fever’s chance to generate Runic Power increased to 30%
    • Chance now diminishes on targets beyond the first
  • Breath of Sindragosa now has double the usual chance to proc Runic Empowerment
  • Breath of Sindragosa costs 18 Runic Power/sec (from 15)
      • Developers’ Note: Frost was starved of resources too often, especially when using Breath of Sindragosa. This increases Frosts’s Rune income baseline and includes a further change that returns many extra Runes while using Breath of Sindragosa. Breath builds will now be able to fill more global cooldowns with casts of Obliterate, to make up for the lost Frost Strikes. The cost of Breath itself is increased to keep its overall duration roughly unchanged.


Nerdine, die ihr Hobby zum Beruf gemacht hat. Seit 2012 als Schreiberling für Blizzards Spiele unterwegs ♥ Hauptsächlich findet man mich in Azeroth, denn World of Warcraft begleitet mich bereits seit fast 20 Jahren.

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